SYNERBOT CompactCell Auto-Twin MT

Self-supporting and compact cell with complete perimeter enclosure and roof, designed for high-capacity welding, with two 180º work areas which in turn have a lathe table for turning parts 360º, servo-controlled movements and integrated safety.

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Complete Synerbot 4000 / 5000 ADVANCED welding equipment, with liquid-cooled torch, equipped with two independent work areas, each with a lathe-type positioner with 2,000mm distance between plates and a maximum turning radius of 600mm.
Traffic light, cycle beacons on complete cell enclosure.
Switch panel for cell operation, with safety mushroom.
Torch cleaning unit (cutting, milling, anti-spatter).


  • Industrialization of small or large quantity series in any production sector.
  • Movement and repositioning of parts synchronized with robot.
  • Production plants, for continuous manufacturing without stops, and with high capacity cycle time.
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